Why I love Emilia Clarke: The World’s Underrated Feminist. 

If you've heard of Daenerys Targaryen, then you'll know Emilia Clarke. But don't let the image of our favourite Khaleesi overpower the brilliant actress who has brought her to life. Dany is one of the most powerful television personalities to embrace our screens for a long time and, throughout the current run of Game of … Continue reading Why I love Emilia Clarke: The World’s Underrated Feminist. 

We need to talk about this week’s Game of Thrones. 

If you haven't watched the fifth episode of season 6, then look away for the night is dark and full of spoilers.  It took me months to get over the disaster that was the Red Wedding, and every time a direwolf dies a piece of my soul dies too. So why does Martin and the … Continue reading We need to talk about this week’s Game of Thrones.