Painting the Town Red: Fluffy shoes and jägerbombs make quite the combination.

So I said I'd post at the weekend because I was going out. I was seriously hungover on Sunday, and the whole bottle of rosé I had before going out didn't help. Neither did my Sunday afternoon shift at work. But I won't lie, I had a great night and I felt great about how … Continue reading Painting the Town Red: Fluffy shoes and jägerbombs make quite the combination.

An Eyeshadow Trio: Embracing a cut crease and a whole lot of improvement

It's been two weeks since I last uploaded a post, and I swear I have good reasons. But most importantly, your friendly neighbourhood blog abandoner is still here, blog still un-abandoned. Two weeks ago I shared a rainbow cut crease eyeshadow look that I created in honour of Pride season. Ever since I've gone cut … Continue reading An Eyeshadow Trio: Embracing a cut crease and a whole lot of improvement

Celebrating Pride: The tale of how I overcame my fear of a cut crease.

Your friendly neighbourhood blog abandoner is back and the blog has not been abandoned, would you look at that! We're heading into the summer which means one thing, it's Pride season! When we hear the word "pride" we think of celebrating diversity, the LGBTQ+ community, communities coming together, and a fuck load of rainbows wherever … Continue reading Celebrating Pride: The tale of how I overcame my fear of a cut crease.

From East to West: The tale of why I’m giving Oasis a run for their money with the amount of comebacks I’ve made.

So hey, it's me, your friendly neighbourhood blog abandoner. No, I'm not an Avenger. But I am serious about my blog this time. A lot has happened since my last blog post in November 2016. Yes, it's a disgrace that I've left it this long, but let's recap: In August 2016 I moved to China … Continue reading From East to West: The tale of why I’m giving Oasis a run for their money with the amount of comebacks I’ve made.

Why I love Emilia Clarke: The World’s Underrated Feminist. 

If you've heard of Daenerys Targaryen, then you'll know Emilia Clarke. But don't let the image of our favourite Khaleesi overpower the brilliant actress who has brought her to life. Dany is one of the most powerful television personalities to embrace our screens for a long time and, throughout the current run of Game of … Continue reading Why I love Emilia Clarke: The World’s Underrated Feminist.